Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Atlanta's Douchebags and the Dying Town of Dothan AL

So yesterday, we started out on tour.  Our first stop was Atlanta's Ten High Club.  It has gained some notoriety over the past six years by doing a live band karaoke event called Metalsome. Anyway, we get there and we meet the sound guy.  We notice as soon as we step in there that some one's equipment had been already set up.  He proceeds to tell us that we had to use  the equipment set up because "loading in and out is just a bitch."  We are all opposed to the idea, but we have no choice.  The other touring band named Victims of Public Education were from North Carolina.  Two of them were under age and the club wasn't having it.  They ended up playing a set a la' Against Me! with a punk version of The Weight by The Band.  By this time, we realized that they hadn't done any promotion for the show because there were only two people in the audience.  For Christ's sake, it was called metal Tuesday and we were the only "metal-ish" band playing.  Needless to say, we had a crappy show because no one came and I can't play someone elses' kit.  We left directly after we played on our way to Dothan
  At one a.m., we stopped in the middle of nowhere to sleep in the van.  We found a church so we parked.  Davie and I slept in the van and Adam slept outside.  At some point, Adam knocks on the van to tell us that there was some sort of beast in the immediate woods and he was piling in.  This morning, we woke up and made our way to Dothan.  We stopped at a Waffle House and met two bikers who were members of the Black Pistons.  We got to Dothan at about 11 a.m. and located the venue.  The town is very old smelling and has a Jim Crow vibe all over.  There are murals (very good ones at that) on almost every old building in town.  They also have statues of peanuts dressed in various labor related outfits everywhere.  It is hot as hell and everyone is really nice.  
We found a music shop and asked if there was a mall so we could go and promote.  We went to the mall and talked to some kids.  One guy who worked at Hat World told us of a music festival that was happening tomorrow.  It had 100 local bands playing and said he could try to get us on.  We declined, but this is important information that ties together later.  So a couple of hours ago, we meet the venue owners, who are super cool for letting me use their computer as well as being good people all around.  They told us that we are the only band tonight because that music festival tomorrow made every band sign a waiver saying that they couldn't play any other local shows until then. So that is that.  

Tomorrow, we go to Jacksonville.  

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