We got to Jacksonville around four p.m. and located Doozer's pub. You will see pictures posted later of the place, but let me tell you that it was a very small, but very "punk/metal" looking bar. We then headed to the North End beach and Adam experienced the ocean for the first time. We watched the waves for a while and ate peanut butter sandwiches. We then headed back to the pub. The first person tending bar was there and he told us that he was just informed that there was a show there. SHIT.
Once the owner got there, she told us that he was just a little spacey and not to worry. She said there was another band and even though rain sometimes killed shows, she told everyone she knew. She also brought her son there (before open hours) and he taught Davie and I a new game of pool called "I win". After she left with her son, we were informed by the bar tender that the other band was having car trouble. We remained optimistic and waited until about ten-thirty. An older couple showed up and gave us booze and a necklace that said dynamite on it. They said they were so excited to hear us. The lady was a psychology professor at a local university and, the man was a retired promoter. As time went on, we realized that there were only going to be this small amount of people there so we gave them a show. I must admit that the performance was spot on by all of us and we got quite a large response from the small crowd. The people bought our merch and said that it was unlike anything that they had ever heard. We were out by about eleven-thirty and on our way to Orlando. Adam and I fell asleep to Disney's animated Robin Hood. We both agreed that Roger Miller is the shit.
We woke up with a hunger for fresh seafood and Thin Lizzy (I am currently listening to Jailbreak and I cannot get enough). Davie recommended that we go to Cocoa Beach and spend the day by the pier. It was our off day, so we headed out there. The Florida sun is nothing to fuck with. It was hot and the toll roads were adding discomfort. Once we get there, we noticed some dark clouds on the horizon. We walked around and ate some seafood by the pier. It started to rain, hard. We tried to wait it out, and we went back into the ocean after a while. We got back to town around six p.m. and here we are. We have our last show tomorrow night. It's guaranteed to be winner.