Thursday, March 26, 2009


Well, I haven't posted in a while because life has been rapidly speeding, so let me give you all the big stuff fit for print.

I moved into a new house on Bardstown Rd. here in Louisville with Adam and Davie. I will get some pictures of it up soon.

I have been working on a solo set for live performance. It's kind of dance music a la' the 1980's. More on that soon.

Freightliner is now a trio.

ZCFOS are chugging along and preparing for a tour in early June.

Adam and I recently saw our friends in Bawn in the Mash. It was a hoot and the music has changed since their humble beginnings as a string band in West KY.

Also, two of my friends have been playing bluegrass recently. They are great musicians, and you should all see what they are up to.

Oh, and check out this stuff, too.

Other than that, there's always little stuff. The Venture Bros. Season Three DVD was released yesterday so our house is all buzzing with happiness. Overall, it's good here in the Derby City. I have been missing all of my super close friends scattered all over this nation of ours. So if you are reading this and you are one of the awesome people that I love dearly; know that you are missed immensely. I will hopefully have some really big, music related news by the summer. So until then, try to enjoy the weather.